- Adolph's Original Unseasoned Tenderizer. To relieve bee and wasp stings, mix Adolph's Original Unseasoned Tenderizer with water to make a paste, and apply to the sting, making sure you have removed the stinger. The enzymes in meat tenderizer break down the proteins in bee venom.
- Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Make a paste from Arm & Hammer Baking Soda and water, apply it to the sting, and cover with a Band-Aid bandage. The baking soda draws out the venom and neutralizes the sting.
- Ban Deodorant. Applying Ban stick deodorant directly on a bee or wasp sting to stop the pain and swelling immediately.
- Bayer Aspirin. Wet the skin and rub a Bayer Aspirin tablet over the bite to help control inflammation (unless you are allergic to aspirin).
- Conair Blow Dryer. Set a hair dryer on warm and aim at the insect sting to let the heat neutralize one of the chemicals in the venom of a bee or wasp sting.
- Domino Sugar. Make a paste from a teaspoon of Domino Sugar and water, rub the sticky mixture over the bite for a few minutes. The sugar neutralizes the poison from the sting.
- Heinz Vinegar. Use a cotton ball to apply Heinz White Vinegar to a bee or wasp sting to neutralize the venom and relieve the stinging pain.
- Lipton Tea Bag. Place a dampened Lipton Tea Bag over the sting and hold it in place for then minutes. The tannin acid in the tea relieves the stinging sensation and also draws the stinger to the surface of the skin, making it easier to remove.
- Listerine. Dabbing Listerine on bee or wasp stings relieves the pain instantly. The antiseptic kills the proteins in the bee venom and disinfects the sting.
- MasterCard. Remove the stinger and venom sack from a bee sting by lightly scraping the skin to flick it away.
- Orajel. Applying a dab of Orajel to a bee or wasp sting numbs the pain immediately.
- Parsons' Ammonia. Use a cotton ball to dab Parsons' Ammonia on the sting. Ammonia seems to neutralize the acids in bee venom, relieving the pain quickly.
- Pepto-Bismol. To soothe itching after being stung by hornets, slather on Pepto-Bismol.
- Popsicle. Scape the stinger out with the exposed end of the Popsicle stick, then apply the icy Popsicle to the sting to relieve the pain.
- Preparation H. Applying a liberal coat of Preparation H to the sting helps remove the stinger (by reducing swelling) and provides immediate relief from the stinging pain.
- SueBee Honey. Applying SueBee Honey to a bee sting reduces the swelling and eases the pain. Honey is a disinfectant, an anti-bacterial, and an antiseptic.
- Tabasco Pepper Sauce. Dab Tabasco Pepper Sauce on the sting to relieve the pain and disinfect the sting. Capsicum frutescens, the variety of pepper used to make Tabasco Pepper Sauce, contains the alkaloid capsaicin, a spicy compound proven to anesthetize pain when applied topically. The vinegar in the Tabasco Pepper Sauce disinfects the sting and provides relief as well.
- WD-40. Spraying WD-40 directly on a bee sting alleviates the stinging almost immediately and helps bring the stinger to the surface in minutes.
- Windex. Spray Windex on bee stings to lessen the pain. The ammonia in Windex neutralizes the bee venom, reducing the swelling, and the mild soaps in the window cleaner disinfect the sting.
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